Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mom it's All Good!

I never imagined you would leave me so soon. You told me it was coming but I did not believe it...I still don't. You were so strong and now I have no answers.
October 7, 1967-April 4, 2010
My mother wasn't the easiest to get along with, but she needed me and I was always there. I wasn't there that day and I hate to use the "What if?" but I can't help to say in my mind, "What if I waited an hour to leave?" She told me it was coming, but who wants to deal with the thought of their mother leaving. She said, "Cass i need you to be strong for your sister, finish school...!" and always reminded me she wanted to be cremated...nothing fancy. She was beautiful with the worst attitude, but that's what people loved her for. She went through it all and I believe she accomplished what she wanted. She reunited my aunt with her daughter, found love, got her daughters back from a period of dislike, and made sure everything was taken care of.
I refuse to leave home...I leave in the morning and come home at night, she never liked to be alone. Now weird things have been happening...she always has to be the center of attention. My tears never seem to stop falling inside and out.
Thanks for getting the ferrets out on time, she heard you and then Butters came down...she was a little shaken about that. Also, last night when they were looking for the CD in your room last night and the light bulb blew out...Tracy and Mel came down the stairs pretty fast. Funny! Beverly and Tio Dino said they love you. I think they might be kicking themselves in the asses. Umm Belinda is giving Tia Belle hell just like you said she would. Everyone came through...shocking huh? I'll be getting the tattoo you wanted (M.A.C.) i was thinking maybe your initials A.G. or All Good as you would say, not sure yet. I can't find the picture you drew out. I'll be graduating afterall since everyone is bugging me about it...your spot is reserved. Your party is saturday...don't be late. I love you!